Math 7
How Many Angels?: Philosophy, Mathematics and the Infinite
Last updated June 24, 2010 10:49:57 EDT

General Information Syllabus Writing Assignments

General Information

The Textbook Scheduled Lectures Instructors
Papers Homework Grades
Honor Principle Disabilities Links


Math 7 Course Reader

Scheduled Lectures

TTH 2:00-3:50
(x-hour) W 4:15 - 5:05
004 Kemeny Hall


Professor Marcia Groszek
Office: 330 Kemeny Hall
Office Hours: M 1:30 - 3:00, W 1:30 - 3:00, Th 11:00-12:00, and by appointment.
Phone: 646 - 2313 or BlitzMail (preferred)


This is an interdisciplinary writing course, which means you will be expected to write about both mathematics and philosophy. During the course of the term you will write four papers; they are described below.

Recommended lengths for each paper are given below, but I expect you to make each paper the right length for whatever you have to say. If it seems that your paper will be much shorter or longer than the recommended length, you may need to expand or narrow your topic.

On most Tuesdays you will have a paper due in either first draft or final form. On other days you may have a short assignment given in the previous class, generally a paragraph or two.

More details about the paper assignments will be on the "Papers" web page; due dates will be on the "Syllabus" web page.

Homework Policy

"Homework" in this course falls into three classifications. The four papers you will write are described above.

You will also be assigned reading from the course reader. You should come to class prepared to discuss the assigned reading, and especially to ask questions about anything you found unclear. Due dates for readings will be on the "Syllabus" web page.

Occasional short assignments, either a paragraph or two of writing or a math problem, may be given in class and will be due the next class.


Your grade in this course sill depend on your class participation and your writing.

Class participation grades will be based on the following: Are you present in class? Are you prepared? When the class divides into small groups, do you work together with your group to help make sure everyone understands everything? Do you contribute to class discussions when you are asked to? Do your contributions to class discussions help to make the discussions go well? In other words, class particpation grades are not based on whether you talk a lot or say brilliant things, but on whether you are a responsible participant in the class's intellectual inquiry.

The occcasional short daily assignments will be graded on a credit / no credit basis. You may be asked to rewrite something in order to receive credit.

Papers will be given letter grades. The grade will be based on both content and exposition and will reflect the quality of the final version of your paper. First drafts are required, but count toward your final paper grade only in that you will lose some credit if you do not submit a complete first draft on time; comments on first drafts are a way of helping you produce a better paper in the end. More details about the standards by which individual papers will be judged will be given as part of each paper assignment.

Late papers will be accepted for partial credit. There is no way to "make up" a class particpation grade or short assignment, but see the professor if a genuine emergency prevents you from coming to class.

About 90% of your grade will be based on your four papers, and the rest on class participation and daily assignments.

The Honor Principle

Academic integrity and intellectual honesty are an integral part of academic practice. This does not mean that you can't work together or get ideas and help from other people. It does mean that you can't present somebody else's work or ideas without giving them due credit.

In the case of short daily assignments such as mathematics problems, feel free to discuss questions with other people and to work together to answer them. You must write up the answers yourself without copying from anybody. (This means you cannot copy down a joint solution arrived at by a group working together, even if you were part of the group. You must write up the solution in your own words.)

Obviously, you must write your papers yourself. It is fine to discuss your papers with other people and get help and advice, BUT: Whenever you are using another person's work, words, research, or ideas, whether they come from a book or from conversation with a friend, you must acknowledge the source. The booklet Sources sets out guildelines for acknowledging sources; you should read and follow them.


Students with disabilities who will be taking this course and may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to see the instructor as soon as possible. Also, they should stop by the Academic Skills Center in Collis Center to register for support services.


Resources at Dartmouth: The booklet Sources sets out guildelines for citing and acknowledging sources. The Student Center for Research, Writing and Information Technology in Baker Library provides a number of resources, including peer tutors.

The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. is a good reference for points of grammar and usage. (If you buy a copy, buy the version by Strunk and White; E.B. White's discussion of style is worth the price of admission.)

Here is a guide to writing in mathematics courses; the intended audience is first term calculus students who are writing rather short papers describing the solutions to calculus problems. Here is a paper about writing mathematics; the intended audience is undergraduate mathematics majors writing serious mathematics papers.

Marcia J. Groszek
Last updated June 24, 2010 10:49:57 EDT