Math 3 Winter 2004

Introduction to Calculus

Class Demo for the Intermediate Value Theorem

January 12, 2004

> with(plots):

Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined

Consider any continuous function

> f := x -> x^3 - 5*x^2 + 10:

    Have a look at its graph

> plot(f, -2 .. 6);


    Choose any a and b so that f(a) < f(b)

> a := -1.5:

> b := 5.5:

> fa := f(a);

> fb := f(b);

fa := -4.625

fb := 25.125

    Choose some  c between f(a) and f(b)

> c := 15;

c := 15

    Look at the graph again

> display(plot(f(x), x = -2..6, thickness=2), plot({fa, fb, [a, y, y=-10..40], [b, y, y=-10..40]}, -2..6, color = blue), plot(c, -2..6, color=green));

