Mathematics 5, Winter 2006

The World According to Mathematics

Course DescriptionCourse Information Syllabus Homework Assignments
Friday Discussions Maple Stuff Take-home ExamsStudent Writing


Maple Stuff

On this page you will find things related to Maple. Maple is a computer algebra system and as such is very useful for symbolic and numerical calculations. We will be using Maple during the course. Hence, you should proceed right away to install Maple on your computer. It is especially important to do this right away so that we can help if you encounter any problems.

Maple is available from Dartmouth's software download website. Once there, select macintosh or windows, software, then when taken to the next page, select academic applications. Finally choose Maple and follow the installation instructions for version 9.5.

Note: for Windows users, be sure to read the README_INSTALL_DARTMOUTH file for instructions.

Once you have installed Maple you can download the following worksheet:

It will show you how to use a few beginning features of Maple. Make sure you activate the initial lines of a cell in the worksheet, by putting the cursor at the end of the line and hitting return. We do not expect you to write programs in Maple, but to be able to use and modify those Maple worksheets that you are given.

Later, we will be adding to this page Maple worksheets that we will be using in class and that you can download onto your own machines. In particular, we will be sending secret messages to each other using Maple.

FYI, Maple v 9.5 is on the computers in the Novak cafe level of Berry, and on the comptuers in the lower (greenprint) level.


Class Demos

Maple Worksheets Date
Week 1: ISBN Algorithm January 6, 2006
Week 2: Pythagorean Triples January 9, 2006
Week 7: Prime Number Tester February 13, 2002


RSA Encryption Worksheets and Homework

How RSA Works-1 [This is part 1 of an introduction in pdf.]

How RSA Works-2 [This is part 2 of an introduction in pdf.]

RSA Public Key Algorithm

Secret Messages in Math 5: Instructions

String to Number

Encoding Secret Messages

Decoding Secret Messages

Number to String

Homework for Friday, Feb. 17




  Copyright © 2006 by C. Dwight Lahr