Inference for $\beta_1$ and $\beta_0$

Assumptions: Normal Error regression model

$Y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1 X_i+\epsilon_i$

Where $\epsilon_i \sim N(0,\sigma^2)$ and are independent. We will use for previous example on cars and distance covered to stop. Please see Upload the complete code (as shown below) for the least squares regression before proceeding.

In [1]:
# import the packages required 
import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
import statsmodels.api as sm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
# import the data set using statsmodel.api
cars_speed=sm.datasets.get_rdataset("cars", "datasets")
barX=np.mean(X); barY=np.mean(Y)
XminusbarX=X-barX; YminusbarY=Y-barY
e_i=Y-Yhat # Residuals 
sum_of_residulas = np.sum(e_i) 
sum_of_squares_of_residuals = np.sum(e_i**2) 
print 'sum of residuals = %4.4f' % sum_of_residulas, ' ---property 1'
print 'sum of squares of residuals %4.4f' %sum_of_squares_of_residuals, '  ---property 2'
print 'sum of Y_i %4.4f' % np.sum(Y), '  ---property 3'
print 'sum of Yhat %4.4f' % np.sum(Yhat), '  ---property 3'
print 'sum of X_ie_i %4.4f' % np.sum(X*e_i), '  ---property 4'
print 'sum of Yhat e_i %4.4f' % np.sum(Yhat*e_i), '   ---property 5'
# scatter plot
plt.ylabel('Distance to stop')
plt.title('Distance cars took to stop in 1920s') 
#make matplotlib inline 
%matplotlib inline 
#scatter plot 
# xlable of the scatter plot
# ylabel of the scatter plot
plt.ylabel('Distance to stop')
# title of the scatter plot
plt.title('Distance cars took to stop in 1920s') 
# regression line
# point barX and barY
#regression line
print '  --- propert 6 (Orange point repersents the point xbar and ybar)'
n=len(X); SSE=sum_of_squares_of_residuals; MSE=sum_of_squares_of_residuals/(n-2); s=np.sqrt(MSE)
sum of residuals = 0.0000  ---property 1
sum of squares of residuals 11353.5211   ---property 2
sum of Y_i 2149.0000   ---property 3
sum of Yhat 2149.0000   ---property 3
sum of X_ie_i 0.0000   ---property 4
sum of Yhat e_i 0.0000    ---property 5
  --- propert 6 (Orange point repersents the point xbar and ybar)

$1-\alpha$ confidence intreval for $\beta_1$

We first need the estimate for the sample standard deviation of $\beta_1$. It is given as:

$s\{b_1\}=\sqrt{ \frac{MSE}{\sum{ {(X_i-\overline{X})}^2 } }}$

In [2]:

$1-\alpha$ confidence interval for $\beta_1$ is given by:

$b_1 \pm t(1-\alpha/2;n-2)s\{b_1\}$.

Where $t(1-\alpha/2;n-2)$ denotes $(1-\alpha/2)100$ percentile of the $t$ distribution. We will set $\alpha=0.05$ i.e., we will attempt to find $95\%$ confidence interval.

In [3]:
# Packages for importing t-statistics 
from scipy import stats
# calculating t value
t1=stats.t.ppf(0.975,n-2) # ppf stands for Percent point function 


print 'confidence interval for beta_1 is %4.4f' % b1, '+/-', '%4.4f' % tssb 
llb0=b1-tssb; upl0=b1+tssb;lra=tssb/b1

print '%4.4f <= beta_1'% llb0,  '<= %4.4f' % upl0, '; Ratio of the interval= %4.4f' % lra 
confidence interval for beta_1 is 3.9324 +/- 0.8354
3.0970 <= beta_1 <= 4.7679 ; Ratio of the interval= 0.2125

Therefore, we can infer that $95\%$ confidence interval of $\beta_1$ to be:

$3.9324 - 0.8354 \leq \beta_1 \leq 3.9324 + 0.8354$

$3.0970 \leq \beta_1 \leq 4.7679$

Two sided test for $\beta_1$

Next we test for

$H_0: \beta_1=0$

$H_a; \beta_1 \neq 0$

If $|t^*| \leq t(1-\alpha/2;n-2)$ then conclude $H_0$

If $|t^*| \gt t(1-\alpha/2;n-2)$ then conclude $H_a$

where $t^*=\frac{b_1}{s\{b_1\}}$

In [4]:
tstar=b1/ssb1; print '|tstar|= %4.4f'% abs(tstar) ,'and', 't=%4.4f' % t1
|tstar|= 9.4640 and t=2.0106

We observe that $|t^*| \gt t(1-\alpha/2;n-2)$, therefore we conclude $H_a$

Two sided p-value

Two sided p-value is given by $2P\{t(n-2) \gt t^*\}$

In [5]:
pval=stats.t.sf(tstar,n-2); pval=2.0*pval; print 'Two sided p-value = %4.4f' % pval 
Two sided p-value = 0.0000

As two sided p-value is lower than the significance level $\alpha=0.05$ we can conlude $H_a$ directly from this observation.

One sided test for $\beta_1$

We test for if $\beta_1$ is positive

$H_0: \beta_1 \leq 0$

$H_a; \beta_1 \gt 0$

If $t^* \leq t(1-\alpha;n-2)$ then conclude $H_0$

If $t^* \gt t(1-\alpha;n-2)$ then conclude $H_a$

where $t^*=\frac{b_1}{s\{b_1\}}$

In [6]:
tstar=b1/ssb1; print 'tstar= %4.4f'% tstar ,'and', 't=%4.4f' % t1
tstar= 9.4640 and t=1.6772

We observe that $t^* \gt t(1-\alpha;n-2)$, therefore we conclude $H_a$

One sided p-value

One sided p-value is given by $P\{t(n-2) \gt t^*\}$

In [7]:
pval=stats.t.sf(tstar,n-2);  print 'One sided p-value = %4.4f' % pval 
One sided p-value = 0.0000

As one sided p-value is lower than the significance level $\alpha=0.05$ we can conlude $H_a$ directly from this observation.

$1-\alpha$ confidence intreval for $\beta_0$

First we need to calculate sample varaine for $b_0$

$s\{b_0\}=\sqrt{MSE [\frac{1}{n}+\frac{\overline{X}^2}{\sum{ {(X_i-\overline{X})}^2 } } ]}$

$1-\alpha$ confidence intreval for $\beta_0$ is given by:

$b_0 \pm t(1-\alpha/2;n-2)s\{b_1\}$.

In [8]:
In [9]:
t1=stats.t.ppf(0.975,n-2) # ppf stands for Percent point function 


print 'confidence interval for beta_0 is %4.4f' % b0, '+/-', '%4.4f' % tssb 
confidence interval for beta_0 is -17.5791 +/- 13.5888

Therefore, we can infer that $95\%$ confidence ineterval of $\beta_0$ to be:

$-17.5791 - 13.5888 \leq \beta_0 \leq -17.5791 + 13.5888$

Two sided test for $\beta_0$

Next we test for

$H_0: \beta_0=0$

$H_a; \beta_0 \neq 0$

If $|t^*| \leq t(1-\alpha/2;n-2)$ then conclude $H_0$

If $|t^*| \gt t(1-\alpha/2;n-2)$ then conclude $H_a$

where $t^*=\frac{b_0}{s\{b_0\}}$

In [10]:
print '|tstar|=',abs(tstar)
print 't1=', stats.t.ppf(0.975,n-2)
|tstar|= 2.60105800302
t1= 2.0106347547

We observe that $|t^*| \gt t(1-\alpha/2;n-2)$, therefore we conclude $H_a$

In [11]:
pval=stats.t.sf(abs(tstar),n-2); pval=2.0*pval; print 'Two sided p-value = %4.4f' % pval 
Two sided p-value = 0.0123

As two sided p-value is lower than the significance level $\alpha=0.05$ we can conlude $H_a$ directly from this observation.