Math 3

Introduction to Calculus

Winter 11


Syllabus (click here)

Hour Exam 1, Math 3, Fall 2009 (Ignore #3 and #4), Solutions to M3F09 Exam1

Hour Exam 1, Math 3, Fall 2007 (Ignore #12), Solutions to  M3F07 Exam 2

Final Exam Fall 2009 (Ignore #11), Solutions : 1c, 2c, 3a, 4d, 5a, 6d, 7c, 8e, 9a, 10c, 11a, 12b, 13e, 14c, 15d, 16c, 17b, 18c, 19d, 20d, 21c, 22b, 23b, 24c, 25c, 26c, 27b, 28c, 29c, 30e.

Final Exam Fall 2005 (Ignore #8 and # 14), Solutions: 1-D, 2-E, 3-B, 4-B, 5-D, 6-A, 7-A, 8-C, 9-B, 10-A, 11-B, 12-C, 13-D, 14-A, 15-A, 16-D, 17-B, 18-B, 19-C, 20-A, 21-D, 22-C, 23-B, 24-A, 25-A, 26-B, 27-B, 28-D, 29-D, 30-C

Instructor and General Information


Meera Mainkar

Office: 210 Kemeny Hall

Office hours: MW 12:30pm-2pm and by appt.

Phone: 646-2293  or BlitzMail (preferred)


ï‚·                        Textbook: The manuscript Principles of Calculus Modeling: An Interactive Approach, by Donald Kreider, Dwight Lahr, and Susan Diesel  is available at Wheelock Books .

ï‚·                      It is each student's responsibility to be aware of academic deadlines as enforced by the Registrar.

ï‚·                      If you have a documented disability, I encourage you to discuss possible accommodations with me and consult Student Accessibility Services in 301 Collis Center (extension 6-9900). This office can help determine appropriate accommodations for you.


Lectures and Exams


MWF 10am - 11:05 am
(x hour Thu 12-12:50 pm)

007 Kemeny Hall

ï‚·          Do not use computers during the classes.

ï‚·          X-hour will be used only if needed to replace a class.

ï‚·          There will be two midterm examinations and a final examination. These exams are scheduled as follows:

Exam I


January 31

Kemeny 008


Exam II


February 18

Kemeny 008


Final Exam


March 12

Kemeny 008

8:00-11:00 am

ï‚·                      If you have a legitimate conflict with these exam dates and times, please contact your instructor as soon as possible. Please do not wait until shortly before the exam.

The Honor Principle

ï‚·                      On Exams: No help given or received. No calculators or computers are allowed.

ï‚·                        Homework: Collaboration is permitted and encouraged -- a discussion of the general idea of the problem(s) with instructors, tutors, fellow students and others is desirable. However, each student is expected to complete his or her assignments individually and independently.


ï‚·                      The course grade will be based upon your total score on the two midterm exams, the final exam and the homework assignments for the course.

Midterm Exams

100 each

Final Exam


Webwork Homework





Homework and Tutorials

ï‚·                      You will get and turn in all Math 3 homework over the World Wide Web using WeBWorK. Homework due-dates will be shown on the WeBWorK assignments, which will generally be due at 9:30 a.m. on the second class day after the class in which the material is covered.  Answers will be available at 11:15 a.m.  on  the same day. Late homework will not be accepted without advance permission from your instructor, obtained well before the assignment is due. There will normally be at least one class-day between the day homework is assigned and the day it is due, thereby providing plenty of opportunity for you to get your questions answered.


ï‚·                      Tutorial assistance for this course (help with your homework) will be available Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings 7 - 9pm in Kemeny 006. Tutorials will begin on Thursday, January 6.  Our TA is Jonathan Bloom.