Barry Balof's Office Hours

My office is 1T in the basement of Bradley. (That the second office on the left upstairs, the messy one with the fuzzy Jeep ad on the door). My scheduled office hours are listed below, and meetings can also be arranged by appointment.

For an appointment, I can be reached via blitz.

Spring Term Office Hours

Tuesday 1:30 - 3:00 pm
Tuesday Evenings 9-11 pm: East Wheelock Cluster
Thursday 1:30-3:00 pm
Sunday 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Sunday Office Hours will be held by interest only on a week to week basis (that is, if interest declines, they will be rescheduled)

There will be no office hours on Sunday, April 6th.

Also, by appointment or chance.

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Last modified on 3/19/03.