# More about Beliefs. We saw how articulating a Symmetry Belief could benefit us in both constructing and sensibly interpreting the results of a hypothesis test. Could an even better articulation of our beliefs benefit us even more? Yes!! # Recall from last Wednesday (May 3rd, "RMay3.txt"), that we could test whether data came for an American or French Roulette table. We was the set up: #Parameters p0=18/38 p1=18/37 q0=1-p0 q1=1-p1 #We learned how to do a cost benefit analysis and BEFORE could sensibly fix: #N=Sample Size #alpha = P(pd=p1| p=p0) = P(pThat>pstar | p=p0) #beta = P(pd=p0 | p=p1) = P(pThatpThat | p=p0)=1-pnorm((pThat-p0)/(sqrt((p0*q0)/N)),0,1) #P1=P(phat