#Here we have some age guess data. A1 is the age of the person making the guess, G1 is the gender (1=Female, 2=Male), and R1 is the race of the guesser (R1=1,2,3,4,5). Ei is the age guess of the ith picture. Data=read.table("Data2.txt") Data=as.vector(Data) Data[1:30,] Data[1:5,"E15"] #Here we have the actual picture data. A2 is the age of the person in the picture, G2 is the gender of the person in the picture (1=Female, 2=Male), and R1 is the race of the person in the picture (R1=1,2,3,4,5). PictData=read.table("PictData2.txt") PictData=as.vector(PictData) PictData # Make a histogram of the Guess for a person in picture. Guesses12<-Data[,"E12"] summary(Guesses12) hist(Guesses12) # Cpare wit the guess for 11 Guesses11<-Data[,"E11"] plot(Guesses11,Guesses12) # Compare the absolute difference with the real things # Look at the guess for a given person for each guesser of a given gender.