#1. Describe why the formulas below count the specified hands. (A sketch of a suitably labeled tree will usually be sufficient. Though the below version of how to compute a "Pair" will require at least one sentence on your part to describe what is going on.) #2. Compute the probability of being dealt each of the below hands. #3. Suppose you "flip a coin" by dealing out a poker hand and calling it Heads if you have anything other than just a "High Card" and Tails otherwise. Is this a fair coin? How close to being fair is it? #4. How many times more likely is a Streak than a Flush? Some people claim this is unintuitive. Give a possible reason why this might feel unintuitive to an experienced poker player. #5. (Extra Credit) Be the first one to find an error in the below list and get a free HW assignment! (In other words, a score of your choice is turned into a maximal score. I give this EC since I foolishly forgot to save our poker day's R-session, and was forced to recompute the below list rather quickly. It is very easy to make a silly error in making these counts, and I probably did. Find it!) ############ For us a poker hand is simply 5 cards dealt out from a randomly mixed up standard 52 card deck (all hands are viewed as equally likely). Recall, the different types of poker hands described below are mutually exclusive (for example four of a kind does not also count as a three of a kind). In particular, this list will add up to "Total". # Total Number of Hands Total<-choose(52,5) # Royal Flush RF<-4 # Straight Flush SF<-10*4-RF # Four of a Hind FOK<-13*48 # Full House FH<-13*12*choose(4,3)*choose(4,2) # Flush Fl<-4*choose(13,5)-SF-RF # Streak St<-10*4^5-SF-RF # Three of a Kind TOK<-13*choose(4,3)*choose(48,2)-FH # Two Pairs TP<-choose(13,2)*choose(4,2)*choose(4,2)*(52-8) # Pair Pr<-13*choose(4,2)*choose(48,3)-2*TP-FH # High Card HC<-Total-(RF+SF+FOK+FH+Fl+St+TOK+TP+Pr) # All hands in order All<-c(RF,SF,FOK,FH,Fl,St,TOK,TP,Pr,HC) All